What causes sore throat? Sore throat is usually caused by an infection. Two types of germs can cause the infection: viruses and bacteria. Children spread germs easily because they often touch each other, share toys, and put things in their mouths.
People who have a sore throat caused by a virus usually have other symptoms, too. These can include:
People who have strep throat DO NOT usually have a cough, runny nose, or itchy or red eyes.
Does my child need antibiotics? If the sore throat is caused by a virus, your child DOES NOT need antibiotics. Unless your child has strep throat, antibiotics will NOT help.
What can I do to help my child feel better? There are several ways to help relieve a sore throat:
When can my child go back to school? If your child’s sore throat is caused by a virus, he or she should be able to go back to school as soon as he or she feels better. If your child has a fever, he or she should stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever has gone away.
How can I keep my child from getting a sore throat again? Wash your child’s hands often with soap and water. It is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of infection. You can use an alcohol rub instead, but make sure the hand rub gets everywhere on your child’s hands.
Try to teach your child about other ways to avoid spreading germs, such as not touching his or her face after being around a sick person.
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